How to silence the Mind #Shorts

It’s easy to get carried away by a kaleidoscope of transient thoughts in today’s environment. Multitasking workloads and new technological onslaught are becoming more prevalent, and their impacts are being felt in the form of rising depression and burnout statistics. Does anyone know that when working, reading, or composing an email can lower anybody’s IQ by ten points? To counteract the fast-paced lifestyle and continual preoccupying thoughts, people need to come up with a way to calm their minds to recover from the constant inundation of information they are habitually evaluating and subjected to. Even when they are lucky to find solitude and enjoy peace and tranquillity, their thoughts are frequently engaged in a range of complicated cognitive activities. What if there was a tried-and-true approach to the clear human mind of these annoying ideas while also improving overall human health conditions?

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How Perfectionism Destroys Happiness? #shorts

Everyone tries to find happiness throughout their entire life, but sometimes, people don’t really understand the concept of happiness and what it feels like. Human psychology is critical and out of the grasp of human knowledge, but it can be said that happiness is a psychological condition of well-being that a person can feel when something good happens in their life. There is no exact definition of happiness, as for every person, the meaning of happiness is different. Somehow, society has set some bars and definitions of happiness that people try to chase or achieve. Still, if it can be seen from a large perspective, it is understandable that the feeling of happiness does not depend on those bars. It is an emotional state when a person can feel joy, satisfaction, fulfillment, or contentment. People often try to achieve happiness through different paths but forget to feel the emotion while going along the path. According to Lord Buddha, ” There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path”. It is true enough as happiness is when people can feel different emotions such as joy, satisfaction, or stability while going along the path.

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Is The Universe Our True Body? #Shorts

Latest nuclear research has discovered that both neutrons and protons contain ultra minute particles (far smaller than electrons) that are constantly moving. Energy and motion are the primary factors that influence human perceptions of ‘survival.’ Quantum physics has discovered ‘life’ in every substance, even what one can think of as lifeless objects such as rocks and minerals. The complete universe can be viewed as a ‘sea’ of energy constituted of small particles in constant motion according to quantum physics. All of these components are interconnected and reliant on one another.
This concept corresponds to the divine reality that countless mystics and sages have been attempting to convey since the advent of human civilization: There seems to be universal energy (life force) that penetrates all material stuff and surrounding space. All matters move, evolve, and exist in this energy.

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How to Find the Purpose of Your Life? #shorts

Living is what life is all about. One can become so engrossed in what one refers to as “experience” that one can determine what it is that one genuinely desires. When people stretch out excitedly and fearlessly for that more fresh, deeper experience, they bring source with them because they are the most distant vibration of the thing they refer to as source or God. Thus, the creation of everything is a logical outcome of life in the physical world. There might be an end to the response. But just as with all substances that become real understanding, one must submit to one’s unique life purpose to reach this greater, more liberated, and unifying reason.

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Formulas to Increase Productivity and Reduce Stress #Shorts

Productivity means when you are doing something that satisfies your requirements. It can be a mental, financial, social, or physical requirement as well. When people nurture their passions, learn something new, communicate with people, or work hard to meet the deadlines in their office, we can say that they are being productive. But, if a person is extremely stressed out, the person would not be able to meet any requirements, and instead of doing that, the person can also put himself/ herself in any unwanted situation. That’s why it is very important to manage stress.

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What is The Law of Vibration #Shorts

Vibrating implies oscillating, shaking, or going very rapidly backward and forwards. It all vibrates on a sub-atomic level. At this stage, energy does everything, and this is what matters the most. All the sub-atomic particles, the atoms, the molecules that make one vibrate are compact and smallest of things such that people cannot sense or view them. Any substance vibrates at such a low velocity that unless people have a very super-powerful microscope, it goes beyond what they can detect. It might sound alien, but everything indeed carries vibrational energy. Even self-consciousness is also a type of energy that vibrates at a very brisk pace. People’s opinions, therefore, bear some value after all. That’s the law of Vibration. A vibrational pattern can calculate anything.

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How Perfectionism Destroys Happiness?

Every person needs to be perfect in life. A perfect child, perfect partner, perfect at work, perfect parents, and the list goes on. The will to be perfect in everything has secretly started another rat race. This time, people need to beat themselves in this race and constantly try to become better in whatever they are doing. Sometimes, this constant try can destroy happiness. How? Happiness is all about stability and self-acceptance, and by trying to be a better version, people often forget to appreciate what they have at present. People who chase perfection make plans for the future, which is why they often cannot be happy with the present. Stability should be the ultimate thing to chase, and one doesn’t need to be perfect to achieve that, as stability is when a person learns how to get satisfied with whatever they have and enjoy the moment.

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Scientific Evidence of the Law of Attraction

According to the theory of the law of attraction, people’s ideas affect their lives, with positive thoughts attracting favorable consequences and negative thoughts drawing out negative ones. It is predicated on the idea that good energy, which includes thoughts, attracts success in all spheres of life, including health, money, and relationships. These lofty declarations raise the question, “Is the law of attraction genuine?” Even though novels like “The Secret” have made the law of attraction more popular recently, it lacks scientific support for their assertions and is widely regarded as pseudoscience.
Some individuals mention the power of positive thinking and quantum physics when they say that most individuals believe in the law “sense” and its reality but have not always benefited from adopting it.

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How to Silence the Mind

Silencing the mind involves going through the process of thinking when one has to think and keeping the mind quiet when thinking is not needed. The human capacity to focus on things improves, people can think more intently, the overall understanding gets lucid, and human understanding of the world elaborates when the entire thought process goes into the state of silence.
When people keep thinking about every miserable ordeal, getting upset, or being unhappy, they gain nothing. Isn’t it preferable to spend valuable time and energy on something more worthwhile and productive? It’s only feasible when people know how to silence their minds and remain peaceful.

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Who am I? How to find out who you truly are?

The question “Who am I?” is frequently posed, but it can be challenging to respond to. People may be able to describe themselves in terms like professional or scholar or whether they are introverts or extroverts. However, it doesn’t really capture who they are at their core. Again, these traits just reveal the basic level of who they actually are. People might also attempt to sum up their finest attributes by claiming they are smart and compassionate.
Individuals need to dig deeper and make something that is exclusively for them if they want to discover who they really are. Therefore, it is preferable to respond to questions regarding who humans are from the social point of view or what aspects characterize them by citing illustrations of what makes them the individuals they are on their own. The actual selves—the real selves—the people who were born to be, are what persist eternally.

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Where do Emotions come from?

Has anyone ever pondered where his ideas and viewpoints on a specific issue come from?
Well, it’s not because of the scenario itself, but because of the emotion the situation surfaces. People may not have seen a link between one and the other because the circumstance is mostly governed by reasoning, and emotion is based on human feelings. Yet individual cognition and emotion are inseparably connected. All subsequent encounters, experiences, connections, and setbacks are directly shaped and affected by the emotions one generates from one’s life events.
The strength of emotion has long been outshined by the power of thought alone, and it is past time for anyone to recognize the direct link between thought and emotion to rechannel the emotion-based thinking to maximize the real potential in health, wealth, interactions, career, and everything else that composes life as one knows it. People will be able to properly evaluate themselves, modify their perspective, and travel and achieve on the best road for them as individuals if they develop a deeper understanding of their emotions.

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Inner Peace? How to Find It?

The element of inner peace is considered a condition of bodily and spiritual tranquillity. Finding peace of mind entails finding happiness, satisfaction, and bliss, regardless of how difficult life may be. Inner peace or peace of mind takes place when people can keep their thoughts in an organized manner. It happens irrespective of the challenges in their surroundings.
Inner peace is a conscious state of spiritual or psychological tranquillity. It is in spite of the existence of pressures such as the burden of imitating one people idolize. Many people have a belief that being “at peace” is good for both mental and physical health. It is a state in which human minds work best with a satisfying outcome. Thus, happiness, pleasure, and satisfaction are commonly connected with inner or mental peace.

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What is Self-Realization?

The term “self-realization” is extensively utilized in Western philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. It is absolutely true for Indian religions also. It may be regarded as the completion of the possibilities of the character or countenance by a human being. Self-realization is a liberated awareness of the genuine Self. It is either an eternal consciousness known as essence or the absence of a perpetual self.

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What is the True Nature of Reality?

A third, a deeper spiritual brain, in addition to the left and right sides of the human brain, with its well-organized but overlapping tasks, is supposed to exist. If people don’t know when to put the brakes, pondering on the nature of reality can give them a hangover. However, it’s certainly worthwhile to contemplate what’s true and what individuals communicate as genuine. It may lead to a better knowledge and acceptance of other people’s viewpoints.

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Sufism – Islamic Mysticism

Sufism is a vast domain encompassing a wide range of social, philosophical, and literary developments in the Muslim community. In its broadest sense, the word refers to a collection of schools of Islamic mystical theology and philosophy and religious orders and factions that have had a major impact on the upsurge of Islamic society and politics and the various utterances of popular piety found across the Islamic world. Sufism is often regarded as the spiritual source underlying much of the Islamic world’s pre-modern poetry, the vernacular of much widely Known piety, the principal social arena available to women’s religious practice, and a key factor in the conversion of populations to Islam throughout Asia and Africa.

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The Law of Being and Doing with Love

Being in love entails wishing for the loved ones’ happiness, respecting them for who they are, and feeling motivated to improve self temperament. When people are in love, they are inclined to be empathetic, generous, and compassionate to someone they care about. When people are in love with somebody, they have an intense, almost incomprehensible longing for that individual.
In truth, being “in love” generally implies a constant craving for someone: people can’t stop thinking about them, and they yearn to spend quality time with them.
When people are doing with love, they’re only interested in the positive parts of the bonding and avoid unpleasant aspects. Those individuals don’t address their loved ones or don’t deal with them in an impolite manner. That’s what it’s like to do with love.
Unless someone is not sure of the details to be in love vs. loving someone else, they should keep reading to find out what it actually means being and doing with love.

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Is the Universe our true Body?

For generations, contemporary science has attempted to bridge the gap between humans and the universe. Isaac Newton demonstrated that one set of laws equally applies to apples falling downwards to cite instances. He also revealed the existence of orbital pathway of the moon. Carl Sagan proclaimed that humans are comprised of star particles. Their bodies’ atoms were essentially induced in the nuclear furnaces of other celestial bodies.
Bernard Haisch, a German physicist in 2006, notable for his research on active stars as well as his receptivity to unconventional studies, went a giant step ahead in 2006.
He stressed that the quantum forces that permeate all of the space (the professed “quantum vacuum”) produce and transmit awareness, which subsequently arises in any highly complex approach with the transmission of energy through it. According to Haisch, not only the brain but any potential physical system could be affected.
It’s all extremely speculative, but it’s something one can analyze to confirm or disprove.

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Consciousness Explained

Consciousness is the human condition of awareness, but where does it originate from? Users are behind and beyond it if they can perceive consciousness. Therefore, consciousness must have grounding. The logic must be unveiled. Initially, a mental image mimics an item that one perceives with his five senses. That is precisely what the consciousness of the five senses accomplishes for a human being. They provide individuals with both these tagless and signless images that emerge in human consciousness.

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How to Deal with Negative Emotions and Thoughts

From a young age, every person feels emotions. The spectrum of emotions one experiences in a day might shift substantially as adults seek to manage the often tumultuous environment of modern living. People often take their capacity to perceive and react to their emotions for granted.
They rarely pause to reflect and give careful attention to their inherent feelings. They don’t think about how it affects their mental and physical being or the long-term consequences of holding on to feelings that could be subsequently damaging. Here, emotions are being dissected– especially negative ones – to learn more about what causes them, how they affect individuals, and how people may use them to improve overall well-being.
Since childhood, apprehension, suspicion, and uncertainties are present in the human mind. These negative emotions deplete human energy and make one less productive. One may notice a lack of drive to do something while in a negative emotional state.

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Hermetic Principles and Laws

Hermeticism, often known as Hermetism, refers to a philosophical ideology based mainly on the reputed teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. It comprises the legendary Hellenistic combination of the Greek God Hermes and the Egyptian God Thoth.
These teachings can be found in the various texts assigned to Hermes (the Hermetica). These scripts were written over a longer period (c. 300 BCE – 1200 CE) and may differ materially in both content and depth.
One of the most prominent contexts of the term refers to a particular subsection of Hermetic texts regarded as the ‘philosophical’ Hermetica. The most noteworthy sub-group is the Corpus Hermeticum (an assemblage of seventeen Greek Hermetic treatises recorded between c. 100 and c. 300 CE).

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