The concept of teaching method applies to the general beliefs, instruction and tactics use in the classroom teaching. The selection of teaching methods depends on whatever best to be imparted on the pupils viz., the teaching theory, multicultural classroom, target areas and emphasis on school projects. The principles of teaching can be divided into four sections based on two set of variables: which are teacher-centered response against the student-centered program, and application of high-tech content against the use of low-tech components.

Teacher-centered response to education

Considered presuming to be its most accurate definition, teachers in a teacher-centered teaching system are the main authoritative figure. Students are seen as empty vessels who passively earn expertise from their teachers across lectures and direct interactions with the ultimate objective of positive outcomes by way of screening and evaluation. Teaching and evaluation are regarded as two different entities in this format. A student’s success is evaluated by objective tests and assessments.

Student-centered program on education

Whereas teachers in a student-centered teaching pattern are still an authoritative figure, teachers and students play an inherently active part in the learning method. The primary role of a teacher is to mentor and promote student learning and overall subject awareness, and to measure student performance through both formal and informal methods of evaluation, such as school projects, student portfolios, and class involvement. Teaching and evaluation are correlated to the student-centered classroom because student learning is monitored continuously during teaching instructions.

High-tech content

Over recent years, advances in technology have transformed the education system. The high-tech approach to education, as the title implies, uses various techniques to help students receive knowledge in their classroom. Many teachers in the classroom use laptops and tablets and others may take the support of the internet to administer homework. In a classroom environment, the internet is also useful as it offers endless resources. Teachers can use the internet to associate their students with related people from all over the world. Some communication tools used in modern classrooms are as follows:

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Education-based social media platforms

G Suite like Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, etc

Gamification software such as Classcraft and 3DGameLab

Laptops and Tablets

Technology for accessibility for students with special needs

Low-tech components

Although technology has undeniably transformed the pattern of learning, most teachers are opting for education with a more conventional, low-tech approach. Several learning styles demand that the teacher and the student have a physical appearance and communication. In particular, some studies have shown that classrooms with low-tech skills can enhance learning. For instance, students who take manual notes have better memories than students who gather printed notes. Another limitation to classroom software may be that students are subjected to spell check and autocorrect methods initially. This might lead to inadequacy in spelling and writing skills. Eventually, it is especially essential to customize the learning experience to various types of learners, and students always perform better with a low-tech approach. Here are some instances of low-tech use in diverse parameters of teaching: Expeditionary practice requires learning through doing and participating in a practical domain. Students may engage in field research, study expeditions, learning ventures, or case studies to apply experience gained in the classroom to the real world instead of learning the virtual world only.

Most forms of realistic and vocational education cannot be taught theoretically, be it laboratory research or fixing of furniture.

While learning, kinesthetic learners need action. Teachers must also offer students the opportunity to relocate and communicate with hands and manual gestures.

Across these varying teaching methods, teachers can gain a deeper understanding of how to best address their classes, execute curriculum, and interact effectively with their pupils. There are different teaching functions or “methods” for the conduct of teachers within each classification of teacher and student orientation and software use that include their unique blend of teaching and evaluation strategies.

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Direct instruction is the common term referring to the conventional teaching method by lectures and presentations spearheaded by teachers. The instructor may play one or all of the following roles in this teaching method:

Direct instruction uses passive learning as the main teaching method under the teacher-centered methodology or the principle that students will understand everything they need by listening to and observing very specific instructions. Teachers and educators serve as the main provider of information, and educators often use structured, organized curricula under the concept of direct instruction modules.

Direct instruction programs provide precisely what the instructor will say for each moment of the lesson, and tasks that the students must perform. It does not include student priorities or provides options for hands-on or optional learning samples. Direct instruction is highly teacher-centric. It is also relatively low-tech, mostly depending on text and workbooks instead of computers and other external appliances.

The concept of the flipped classroom commenced in 2007 when a few teachers started to use programs to record their live teachings. By the next school session, they carried out pre-recorded tutorials and introduced the premise of what could be called the flipped classroom. Generally speaking, the flipped classroom tag defines the learning structure that allows students to observe pre-recorded lessons at home and complete tasks in the classroom, as opposed to classroom lessons and home assignments.

Teachers implementing the flipped classroom template sometimes make a documentary slide of their tutorials, but many still use online pre-recorded videos. A major advantage of the flipped classroom method is that it encourages students to work at their suitable speed if this is how the teacher decides to execute it. In special situations, teachers may allocate the corresponding videos to all students, and teachers might choose to let students observe new videos as they learn topics, taking a far more defined approach.

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Yet with this possibility for more student-centeredness, flipped classroom structures are still largely focused on a teacher’s understanding of how to teach and what knowledge students require, keeping it mainly teacher-centered. From the technology aspect, the system relies on pre-recorded lectures and online communications, implying both students and teachers necessitate a dependable internet connection and supporting accessible devices.

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