Improvement in speed learning ability

There are two alternative approaches to learn and solve problems: the implicit or automatic intuitive system and the reasoning) logical process. In the research on behavioral economics, a comparison has been made between functions of System 1 and System 2. System 1 typically corresponds to the intuitive system or automated processing, and System 2 closely correlates to analytical (cognitive) or controlled procedures. System 1 (intuition) answers promptly to problems as they crop up, System 2 tracks the quality of system 1 reactions and often revamps or removes those responses. The following account depicts some of the main concepts for improved learning through these two niche systems.

A human intuitive system favors initial impression, or the much talked about Halo effect. It’s the propensity to like or dislike all about an individual that entails things not observed frequently. This prejudice plays a major part in influencing people’s perceptions and circumstances. In the middle of an interview, for instance, one tends to make judgments about the managerial skills of the incumbent

based on a decent presentation, and avoid more details that might undermine the regular narrative. System 2 is, by all means, supportive of revising as fresh knowledge enters. Yet System 1 is oblivious to the amount of information it contains.

The analytical system (System 2) requires more mental energy, and it despises making things on a stressful mind. For instance, in the evening, a morning person tends to perform terribly, whereas, in the morning, a night individual performs inadequately. Why does it happen? Contemplation in those moments is rather full of effort. Sometimes, an individual’s sluggish brain takes the course of least stress. Once people experience problems for the first time, heir initial responses usually search for simpler solutions without needing to exert conscious efforts. To rephrase it, people are under distress to indulge in lazy thinking (act stupid). To illustrate, a speed dating survey found that when people have too many romantic options, they prefer to pick partners based on superficial physical traits and disregard attributes such as smoking habits, education, and profession.

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Nonetheless, people are able to amend their innate responses with ample time to ponder.

The mood affects the way how people think. Congenial feelings make individuals more automatic to respond and cut down on cognitive effort. In comparison, the mind is focused on negative vibes, contributing to better attention. People become more insightful and imaginative but, at the same time, less attentive and more prone to cognitive failures when they are in a decent frame of mind. An ideal mood makes people feel relaxed and letting the guard down is a good option. One tends to lose touch with their instincts when hey in a bad shape, and focus on System 2. It is almost near perfect when there is an ensuing threat, as it extracts processing power on the prevailing risk. It is impeding when innovative problem solving is needed because it leads to a narrow vision similar to a congested open-ended conduit.

An individual develops intuitions through learning and experience. As people gain more experience in specific areas over time, obligation for the processing of information moves from the conscious level to the intuitive programming. Knowledge is becoming more instantaneous and integrated. As a matter of fact, the use of automatic processes such as visual imagery and categorization is one of the emblems of competence in any territory. Before making a diagnosis, young doctors experience a potent ailment and they actively and meticulously deliberate on the rundown of symptoms, but seasoned doctors will feel the response in the flick of the eyelashes. Over time, these specialists turn some of their high-level skills into instinct-level processes that those professionals can’t explain how they’re actually doing those things.

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This explains why memorizing stuff for ensuing exams is a really poor way of learning something that will persist. Cramming the topics will come in, and go out. A visualization of the learning process is one of the most effective tools to improve learning. That is, spacing later increases recall, such as tonight’s hour of analysis, a weekend hour, and from now on, spilling over another session a week. The theory is that learning is the companion of forgetting things. When one forgets something, the next time he sees it, it helps him to recapitulate and does so effectively. By distributing learning activities, students can increase their knowledge levels without stretching their study schedules.

In short, idle (analytic) minds are trying to economize and do things in a useful manner. It advises a teacher or a presenter that anything people can do to eliminate cognitive effort makes the message more unforgettable, i.e. using simple linguistic or intuitive interpretation. People prefer quick-to-process items, for it allows them to distribute restricted mental resources in a world with ample demand for attention. The ease of understanding termed as cognitive fluency makes things effortless, and is related to successful reviews. Although it is nice to feel one can lead his path to success, talents matter if people try to fulfill a huge task like launching and developing a business. Who one is familiar with is, of course, crucial. What people know, however, and what they can do, matters a lot. That means the faster people acquire the things, the more successful they will be.

Would you like to read more about this topic? This book might interest you: Speed Learning: How To Improve Your Ability To Learn.