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Java is a cross-platform, object-oriented, and a multi-purpose programming language which was developed to be a machine-independent web technology. The Java programming language is used in many fields such as in Banking, Retail, Android, IT, Financial Services, Big Data, Stock Market, Scientific and Research Community, Web Development, for Continuous Testing, Framework purposes, etc.
Java has certain features that make it stand out from the other programming languages. Java is a simple, dynamic, robust, portable, high-performance, multithreaded, interpreted, and object-oriented programming language. Java programming language does not make use of an explicit pointer.  It runs the programs within the sandbox to mandate the prevention of the occurrence of any type of activity from untrusted sources. It also provides a feature that aids in developing and creating a distributed application.
The Java programming language is comprised of all the advanced features of programming, which are held by the modern programming languages. The key paradigms of Java are- Object Oriented Programming Language, Platform Independent Programming Environment, Multithreading, and Secure programming language.
The main aim of Object-Oriented Programming is to execute the entities of the real world, such as polymorphism, hiding, inheritance, and many others.
Java is liked over other programming languages because of many reasons like – Easy Development of Large Applications, Simple, Portable and Robust Programming, High Performance of Java, and Internet Access Capability.

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