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Two major rebellions took place in Russia in 1917 in February and October of the same year, both of which combined have been referred to as the Russian Revolution. However, the revolution did not end the same year and ended in the year 1923. Russians were tired of feudal lords and the royals because they were enjoying luxurious lives whilst the common man was sleeping hungry. The first revolution or the February Revolution mainly took place in Petrograd, which was the capital of Russia then. This revolution led to the abdication of the throne by Emperor Nicholas II and the collapse of imperial power in Russia. Along with this, a provisional government was set up in Soviets for the functioning of the nation. The second revolution was the October Revolution in the same year which was led by Vladimir Lenin. The provisional government was overthrown and a Communist government was established in this revolution. Moscow was declared to be the new capital. Soviet was yet to see peace for civil war erupted between the Bolsheviks and the anti-revolutionaries. All those against the Bolsheviks were defeated. Besides establishing themselves centrally as the Communist Party in Russia they also expanded the power of the Soviet Union in Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. In 1922 all these territories were brought together to form the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Although some more skirmishes occurred the government was stable and handled the country well. There were many historical changes brought about in all the states and the cities. The rural areas were developed and lands were redistributed equally amongst the peasants.
The Americans fought for their independence from the British from 1765 to 1783. The societies denied submitting to the King of Great Britain, who was adamant about levying heavy taxes on the Americans. The angered Americans destroyed a large consignment of taxable tea that came from East India Company. The British shut down the Boston harbor and vowed to bring the culprits to justice. The fights between the British and Americans grew and became more violent with time. There were the Patriots who were against the British and there were the Loyalists who were the British or with them. With time more nations got involved in the rebellions, including the Dutch, French, and Spanish. The Americans succeeded in freeing their lands from the British and finally drafted the Constitution of the United States of America.
The French Revolution brought about many changes in the history of not just France but also Europe and the rest of the world. It lasted for 10 years, and several political and social reforms were brought about in France. Different causes triggered the revolution and the most notable ones were the extremities in the distribution of wealth amongst the people of France. Before the revolution, France was involved in many wars in other countries such as the Seven Years War and the American Revolution. The government went into a lot of debt, and they tried to restore their finances by levying taxes on the people. It was the French that set a precedent to the entire world by toppling the monarchs and settings a democratic republic in their country.
The Chinese Communist Revolution began in 1946. However, the foundations of the revolution were laid long back with Japanese and Westerners’ interference in China. The leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Zedong, ended the civil war on October 1, 1949, that was long-running between the nationalists of Kuomintang and the Communists of the Chinese Communist Party. China was ready for a change and Mao Zedong gave them this change by setting up a Communist government here. The Nationalists tried to regain the territory, but the Communists were too strong for them. Since America was a supporter of the Nationalists, they had suspended all diplomatic relations with China for several years. It was only in 1979 that the US established its diplomatic relation once again with China.
The Cubans were tired of the hardships they were facing under the Batista government. Fidel Castro and his brother Raul Castro gathered men and weapons to revolt against the Batista government. It began on July 26, 1953, and lasted for five years with the end of Batista’s authoritative rule on January 1st, 1959, who fled the country to the Dominican Republic. Batista was also supported by America and soon all this was brought to an end by Fidel Castro and his government. Cuba was in debt and people were unemployed because of the careless ways of Batista. A revolutionary socialist government was established and all the American industries were nationalized. The United States cut off all ties from Cuba. Fidel Castro and his government openly supported many other countries with weapons and soldiers to developing countries that were fighting for freedom from oppressive rulers.
The Haitian Revolution brought an end to slavery in Haiti. It lasted for 12 long years. Saint-Domingue was a French Colony where the African and Afro-Caribbean slaves worked and lived in harsh conditions whilst working in sugarcane plantations under their French masters. It began on August 21, 1891, and ended on January 1, 1904. Thousands of lives were lost in this fight but the Haitian slaves were adamant about abolishing slavery from their country. Their victory was taken as an inspiration by people across the world.

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