Brand Management is the process of managing and uplifting a brand status and marketing. Managing a brand is the most important aspect of branding. A robust brand management system and plan is the backbone of a successful brand.

Effective brand management requires one to follow a number of techniques. A brand offers mainly two things to the consumer or user the first one is products and the second being services. Selling of goods and services to a group of people or customers on a large scale is not an easy task. The first process towards developing a brand is to catch the attention of the group of customers the brand is going to target. A brand and its establishment is a much bigger thing that one may think, it is not only about a good brand name, logo, design and providing quality product. A brand is not going to be successful in long terms in spite of a great name and providing best quality goods if it is unable to connect the people at emotional level. There should be a good communication between the brand and customer.

Customer relationship is the most important aspect of creating a strong brand. The consumers a brand is targeting must have full trust and faith in the brand. They should be confident enough to buy a service or goods of a particular brand without even thinking for a minute about the quality and standard of the product they are offering. This can only happen as a result of immense faith and emotional connect between the two. As a brand owner one must ensure that as the time passes the number of customer gradually increases along with their trust in the brand. A loyal group of customers are the most important aspect of brand management and they should be the prime focus. A customer support team is also of great importance for the success of brand. All the queries and question of customers should be answered and explained in a very polite manner by the customer service representatives.

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Brand management on large scale requires the managing of both the tangible and intangible components of a brand. Taking calculated risk is also necessary when needed for maximizing the potential of brand and its profit. On overcoming a challenge a business gets one step closer towards the success.

A brand is much bigger thing than one can even think of it is not just a name used for identifying the product and the company it belongs to. A simple name or logo says it all from product quality to the type of service they provide, what kind of customers support system they have and a lot more. The product of one company from its competitors can only be differentiated with brand and the packaging that particular brand provides. The brand name should be simple and easy to remember. It should be simple, easy to pronounce and recall.

Brand name must be unique and different from other brands.

A great tagline can also benefit a brand on a large scale. A good logo is also very important aspect of branding. Brand logo is much easily recognized in comparison to brand name.

Just like brand name there are no language and pronouncing barrier for logo. It is easily transferable to different cultures.

Product packaging and design should also be unique, good looking and eye catching. The brand elements also need to be protected from getting copied by other competitors. Brand name, logo, symbols and design can be protected lawfully by means of copyright. Securing the manufacturing process with the help of patents is also necessary.

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Internet is a place where a brand can connect with millions of consumers. This is a new platform beneficial for both the brand and the consumer. The consumers can conveniently buy products and services with the help of Internet from their home. They can search for any desired product and can get detailed information about that particular product and also about the brand which is offering the product. A brand must have its own website and mobile and desktop applications if possible. Social media is another place a brand can target for communicating with its consumers, having a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn pages linked with the original website of the brand is really effective in gaining consumer’s loyalty and trust in the brand. They are also very easy and free to create and can greatly help small as well as big brand to get even stronger. YouTube channels and videos related to the products and services a brand is offering can be a great addition. A brand can create videos related to its new products which can describes its features in details and also explain how it benefits the consumers.

Advertisements are very crucial for the success of any brand. It makes a brand more deserving in the eye of consumers. There are many different forms of advertisement. Television and media advertising is the most popular among all. It may be costly but is equally effective way of creating brand awareness.

Newspaper, magazines and pamphlets can also be used as prime means of advertising as newspapers are read by millions of peoples regularly. They are also much cheaper than television and media advertising and even small brands having low budget for advertising can use it as way of advertisement and promotion of their products. Sponsoring big events, shows and sports tournaments can be another way of gaining popularity, trust and faith of the consumers a brand target.

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One of the most famous methods of promotion is through celebrity endorsements. Celebrities and other well known person attached to a brand take the popularity of brand to new heights. Advertisements may cost a lost of money but is very essential and pays a lot more in return. Nothing should be underestimated.

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