Introduction Of Artificial Intelligence In Medicine

When modern computers have started capturing the market, scientists always had a dream to develop a particular artificial brain for the machine. And thus, the first concept of an electronic brain for the machine was very much ambitious as well as a controversial topic.

From the very first day, scientists and some doctors somehow had the same kind of thought. They were pretty sure that Artificial Intelligence in medicine can make a big difference. With the amazing storage system of modern computers, they hoped that Artificial Intelligence could become “doctors on the go” thing for the upcoming generation. And with the great and successful expansion of Artificial Intelligence in medicine, we can surely say that it has become what it had been imagined in the earlier days of Artificial Intelligence.

This was a pretty small community of computer researchers and healthcare professionals who thought and gave Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM) the proper shape. They had a clear vision of revolutionizing the field of medicine with technology and they were pretty much successful on their mission.

Artificial Intelligence in Medicines was mainly a US-based community at those earlier days. On those days, there were many campuses like the MIT-Tufts, Pittsburgh, and other campuses like Stanford and Rutgers held these tests in their labs. Researchers like Szolovits in 1982, Clancy and Shortliffe in 1984, Miller in 1988 have derived great theories which will be changing the whole idea of AIM in the upcoming years. Later, this field goes on to attract great computer scientists and leads to more amazing findings in the field.

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Clancy and Shortliffe in 1984 described this new field as they quoted, “Medical artificial intelligence is primarily concerned with the construction of AI programs that perform diagnosis and make therapy recommendations. Unlike medical applications based on other programming methods, such as purely statistical and probabilistic methods, medical AI programs are based on symbolic models of disease entities and their relationship to patient factors and clinical manifestations.” (Source:-

However, it has been changed a lot from that day. Artificial Intelligence in medicine has been improved a lot and now, this definition of AIM can be considered as a narrow vision. In today’s world, AIM is being designed in a way that they pay much more attention to be used in different sectors like the clinical laboratories and intensive care units. Diagnosing disease with Artificial Intelligence get less attention. However, the definition given by Clancy and Shortliffe was the basis of the revolution that AIM has started in the medical fields.

Although there are a lot of complications being observed in some cases, in some places, there is a lot to improve for AI in medicine. Sometimes, the wrong data analysis takes place. A lot of things happen. But, in most of the cases like this, it has been observed that the complications occur are mostly because of the clinical using AI. This happens either because of the AI program has been installed wrong or has been kept in a poor way. Sometimes, these faculties occur if the machine has received such data which were been neglected by the clinical or, in some cases imposing changes in the clinical working process happens to be the main cause. However, if the machine has been installed and used properly, Artificial Intelligence in medicine tends to give the right information and has significant benefits.

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Would you like to read more about this topic? This book might interest you: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.