Art is needed for every human being. The interest for the art has been since bygone era. The artist has used various forms of arts to portray something. In fact, art can be used to depict the current scenarios of the country, nature, or other forms in a simple way that is easily understood by the people. In fact, there is a saying that, a picture speaks louder than words. This clearly states how rich the art is. However, to gain extensive knowledge of the forms of arts that are available today, people should first learn its roots. Though, it is a little challenging and daunting to analyze the structure, but this is what is important for the people in the art field, no matter whether it is painting, dancing, or literature.

The three major aspects of an art include subject, form, and content. Ideally, the subject is a theme chosen by the artist, whereas form is the element picked by the artist to portray the art, and finally the content is the message that an artist want to visually represent it in his/her art for easy understanding by the viewers. These three aspects plays a crucial role while crafting an art. Incorporating all these elements would give a masterpiece.

In addition to these elements, there are other principles that should be imbibed in the art to get a remarkable output. Those principles include harmony, balance, proportion, variety, dominance and economy. Undeniably, every artist will keep these principles while making an innovative art. These are either used singly or blend of all these principles while producing an art piece. Most importantly, in any art piece, there should be structural elements such as line, shape, volume, texture and colors. These are the elements that are used to produce three or two dimensional effect. Examples of three dimensional effect include sphere, cube, etc. while two dimensional effect includes circle, square, triangle, etc. Basically, in two dimensional effect, the art seems to look like lying flat whereas with three dimensional effect the art penetrate and look different from every angle.

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Ideally, people use decoration while designing the jewelry. But, while making the art also people use decoration to elevate the beauty of the art work. Ideally, there is a word called plastic in art theory. It means that, if any artwork that makes people totally engrossed into the picture, then that space is said to be plastic. To be precise, plastic is the space in the artwork.

Many people might have a doubt of what is the difference between graphic arts and plastic. Plastic is the space in art, whereas graphic arts are power-packed with various aspects such as drawing, painting, printmaking, and photography. These are the arts that look flat and reflect the design in the third dimension. However, compared to graphic arts, plastic is considered to be palpable.

Every artist will start the art work with an idea that strikes them and that they feel it worthy to paint. However, this artwork is developed using any of the mediums such as clay, oil, ink, paint or photography. In the process of making an artwork, the artist will first focus on composition. It is the best and powerful way that tells how to communicate their ideas visually. After finding the creative way to present, then the artist slowly starts to weave a story or a theme in the art.

The artist who design the art after taking inspiration from the nature, is said to be perceptual (optical) and the artist who takes ideas or inspirations from their real-time situations or the things that are happening in their surroundings is said to be conceptual perception. However, there are no factors that can measure whether optical perception or conceptual perception is great. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses. It is fact that, every artist will use a medium to portray their art. The elements include line, shape, texture, color, etc. These are the elements that gives a shape to the artwork.

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In this e-book, we will discuss about the shape of art, principles of organization and structural elements used to portray the art visually in an appealing and eye-catching form.

Would you like to read more about this topic? This book might interest you: Art Theory.