What Is Agile Strategy?

Agile is the key to management in the business world that enables a company to stay competitive by adapting and adjusting to new innovative changes and ideas by creating new products and services and also by developing novel business models. Agile enables small scale and large organizations to cope with the continuous changes. Agile strategy permits these enterprises to flourish in a world, i.e. highly volatile, complex, uncertain and ambiguous. The rise of strategic agility is driven by those who are passionate about working this way and also by the organizations well equipped with making life-changing discoveries.

Organizations proficient in agile strategizing are equipped with self-organizing groups and teams efficient in providing novel values for their customers. Since the work is carried out in an iterative way engaging in a continuous interaction along with the users, the enterprises can steadily upgrade their goods and services for each individual customer. When the teams work in a common cadence, most teams can work in harmony on high, magnitude challenges in a synchronized fashion. When strategic agility is done right, the organizational teams are working within a prescribed business model wherein the organization successfully generates output for the organization as well as for the customers. Agile strategy enables everything – the work, i.e. being done, the money and the information moves easily in a harmonious integrated fashion resulting in low marginal costs along with massive returns.

The word ‘agile’ can be defined as the ability to move easily and quickly. Agile can also be defined as a flexible and incremental project management technique that typically comprises of a multi-disciplined team and strategizing. It basically consists of planning and execution of works in a relatively short time span.

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An organization that has embraced agile strategizing method would possess the following three core characteristic features:
The law of the small team
The law of the customer
The law of the network

Would you like to read more about this topic? This book might interest you: Agile Strategy.