Even stronger than the Law of Attraction, a law governs the conscious formation of reality. It is the Law of Inspired Action. It opens a secret that is virtually not a secret. Human beings are acting at the peak point of all material things. It is the level of spirit when one uses the Law of Inspired Action. This supreme level governs all other levels. People are not trying to create anything when they use this superior law. They are rather letting the universe create things through them. Individuals are simply collaborating with God to create something new. According to the Law of Inspired Action, God is the one who is operating through men. As a result, there is nothing left for men to do but to let almighty do everything through his devotees. It does not mean. However, people should refrain from taking action; it just implies they should not do those actions that their inner self does not drive. Individuals are pushing action when they try to do things that do not have inspirational traits. Non-doing action is the path of inspired action. It is allowing oneself to do such things that one wants to do with an open mind.
When people are trying to materialize things and use the energy to fuel the building process, using the law of attraction alone can be challenging. When one believes he has to attract things, he implies that they exist outside the human boundary. However, everything one desires is already within him and is only waiting to be opened. All the things people desire will appear in optimal time when the path is pursued with universal guidance. When one follows the Law of Inspired Action, he will unconsciously employ the law of attraction to pull everything needed into the self environment at all times. It’s because the universe has drawn a strategy for mankind, and if they follow it, they can line their activities with the divine flow of thoughts and events. People will discover that they are doing the right thing at the right moment and the right place. It happens with all of the opportunities and resources already in place. People just walk right in.