About this Book

The thought is an organized mental activity with a high degree of freedom, not limited to the physical world. It is an organized process of neural representation that forms a mental model for planning, defining strategies, forecasts, and troubleshooting. This process involves the correlation and integration of critical events in time and space.

The capacity planning, defining strategies and activities programming permeates virtually all human activities. At the planning stage, the individual analyzes possible interpretations and trends to define the best or most effective course of action.

In the prediction stage, the individual analyzes a sequence of events to anticipate the future; check the logic and consistency of facts, test hypotheses and to reflect on possible courses of action.

At this stage, the individual defines a strategy, building a particular plot and rehearses figuratively (mentally), examining the alternatives and options at each stage of the process. To solve problems, the only exercise alternatives, and formal or abstract solutions, analyzing risks and results.

Still thinking, individual studies and rationalizes about the origin of event sequences of society, the world, and the universe.

Thinking is important for communication between individuals, for analysis of imaginary events and abstraction of the physical world.

Their nature can be among other analytical, verbal, symbolic or abstract. Analytical thinking the individual coordinates logically related mental models to predict or infer a result. In the case of verbal thought, the individual experiences the thought as if listening to his voice. Through language, the individual translates feelings and stories in words, a semantic and sintáxico context.

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In symbolic thought, the individual analyzes a formal model as a three-dimensional structure of a protein or a building, at each point assessing the perspective of that target point.

The musical thought and relationship between languages are included in symbolic thinking category. Abstract thought is free.

Mental models trained in this kind of thinking is disconnected from the physical world and often represent imaginary events, like to imagine an elephant fly. In this kind of thinking, intuition replaces logic in the evaluation of the relationship between mental models.

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