Satoshi Nakamoto filed a patent in the year 2008 on August 15th. The patent was about the revolutionary digital currency system known as the bitcoin system. The patent got recognized internationally. The popularity was just because of the flawless design of the currency system.

Yet, calculating so many risks associated towards its development and design, the founder of the crypto currency did not reveal much about his whereabouts and left the spot light in no time.

It is the further developers who contributed quite a lot to the development of the bitcoin design and made it to be a vulnerable rival, for world currencies today. It was in 2008 December, the white paper about the bitcoins got published.


Bitcoin project first got hit through source forge. It was in November, 2008. Bitcoin was first mined in January, 2009. Version 0.1 got released and gained recognition from all over the world.

First ever bit coin transaction

January 12 of 2009 was the first ever bit coin transition made. It took about 8 months from then for the global market to get used to the new digital currency set up. Stock indices added the new currency bitcoin. New exchange rate or value is established in October, 2009. Development of bitcoin hits the IRC in the same time. In the same year, version 2 was released in November, 2009.

Currency exchanges began

February 2010, after the difficulties were overcome after the relapse of the second version, the bitcoins were ready for currency exchanges in the global market. Encryption patent also got published in the same month, to ensure the world wide recognition for the growing digital currency.

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10000 BTC were spent only on Pizza in the month of May, 2010.

July 7th of 2010 – 3rd release of the bitcoin

Slashdot come up with the stats of the global users of the bitcoin. There was a huge surge for the bitcoins at that point of time, showing promise for the investors to see from a wide perspective. By July 2012, the growth of the bitcoin was out of proportions. The currency exchange rate was ten times more than what is began with at 2009.

How to invest in bitcoin stock

When anyone are not sure about the type of investments to make in the right direction to get the maximum value of the investments and the maximum returns in a faster time, then anyone choose to get the advice from the legal experts out there.

If that is the case then most often the experts today is recommending something new and that nothing but the buttoning. Bitcoin is nothing but an invisible currency that can actually give anyone security, safety and at the same time fullest value for the money that anyone choose to invest in this channel. There are no governments that are involved in the growth of the bitcoins or who has control over the production of the bacons.

One of the most complicated algorithms is associated with the generation of the bitcoin. The crypto currency that anyone chooses to use over a period is sure to get the maximum returns more than what one could really assume to get just because of the simple reason that there are no influencers here in the making of the crypto currency.

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These are super benefits while choosing to invest in one currency that is not altered by the political climate in the US or the UK. There are no solid currencies equivalent to that of the bitcoin today for its value is about 1000 dollars a bitcoin. This is fairly a great deal of price to offer for anyone from any part of the world, to choose this channel as one of the safest and reliable means to invest in the right time and in the right ease.

investments that one makes in the right time, helps home or her in the future, to get the maximum returns to save his or her life at the most. Commitments keep increasing as life progresses. No one is alone in this world while living as a social animal. Moral responsibilities are there.

If one is not willing to accomplish that then the society is sure to consider that individual as a deprived someone and do not give respect to that personality. It is unethical to live so, for so many reasons and the social set up is designed in such a way that the social ethics are to be followed by one and all so that everyone is benefited through that disciplined walk of life style.

Leaders in any demographics lead as a role model to show the others that they are to be followed for ethics. Social ethics are finding value only in the upper middle class segment in particular. These people respect the tradition and culture big time and do the conventionally followed routines without fail for they are having the resources to do so.

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They are having the best of the earnings to make sure that they are following the formalities without fail. They spend a lot of money. They are in the upper class segment just because of the wise choices that they made in the right time.

Investments in the right channel and in the right time must have pushed them to the leading life style. Their savings are used to mend the issues that they foresee in the right time. Their life is followed by others in the neighborhood. Yet some are not able to accomplish as how the mentor did because of the lack of finance. So basically it is the finance that drives values into the society.

Financial back up is such crucial element that can influence the life style of the whole society too. So, how to do that finical planning effectively without the help of the ideal consultant and the expects how are adept in their financial planning skills? It is pivotal need to get the help of the pros and take right decisions in the right time.

Would you like to read more about this topic? This book might interest you: History of Bitcoin.