This word was known well known before the end of 20th century. Before that, the growth of the technology was not much more. So there was no issue of having large data. With the passing time and having lot of load on the internet web, large data set took place. The credit of using the word Big data can be given to John Mashey. He was first to spread the term and the concept about Big data around the end of 20th century. These data set sizes beyond the capability of software to capture manage and process within a limited time interval.

The world’s technological storage capacity is being about doubled at every 40 months according to one report published in 1990.

Cluster information and encrypted search were demonstrated in earlier year of 2014 at American society of Engineering Education. Then a person named Gautam Siwach joined the course Tackling the challenges of Big data by MIT and the key features of Big data were investigated by Dr. Amir Esmailpour at UNH Research Group as the formation of cluster and their interconnection. Their main focus was on the security of Big data by providing the raw definitions and real time examples within a technology. They also proposed an approach to identify the technique for encoding for advancement towards an expedited research over encrypted text leading for leading the security format in Big data. There are mainly three types of Big data are available in present time such as Structured Big data, Unstructured Big data and Semi Structured Big data The “Big Data Initiative” was announced by the White House in March 2012. It consisted of 6 Federal departments and agencies which committed more than $200 million for the research projects of Big data. This initiative also included a commitment by the Department of energy for providing $25 million in funding for the establishment of the Scalable Data Management, Analysis and Visualization Institute.

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In the same year, the Massaschusetts Big Data Initiative was also announced by the U.S. state of Massachusetts. The purpose of this initiative was of providing the fund from state government and private companies to the different research institutes.

The participants of Canadian Open Data Experience Inspiration Day demonstrated the use of data visualization to increase the understanding and appeal of big data sets.

The importance of Big data resolves on what you do with that data, not on how much data you have. After combining Big data with analytics having high power, an accomplishment of business related task like finding root causes of failures, recalculating entire risk portfolios, detecting fraudulent behavior is possible now. There is not much history particularly available on the internet because it was a discovery by John Mashey, Not an invention.

Would you like to read more about this topic? This book might interest you: Crash Course Big Data.