When we talk about human assets, a lot of people will think of qualities such as mechanical skills, decision-making skills, physical abilities – tangible things that people normally use to judge others. However, after meeting and interviewing so many managers, they can easily tell you that it is so much harder to find people who uphold ethical behaviors at work. Not everybody comes to the workplace with the character that upbuilds others. Competition and self-interest can cause disruption and those with ‘intellect’ will seek for a way to benefit themselves because you could never judge someone’s real face before you actually hire them. Workers and high-ranking employees are laid off and fired the moment people see and disclose their wicked characters. This cause a high turnover rate for top management players which can bring negative consequences to the company.

Yes, there are many proofs to show how important it is for someone to be equipped with not just the right skills and intellectual ability, but also characters. The ability to not flaunt and cause morale decrease in others, the ability to help others even when it is not part of your job description and the ability to be genuine. That motivation to know when to speak rather than just being good at debating. The ability to listen to understand, not to only reply to the other party for the sake of it. Rather than ability, it is the attitude to be genuine about what you do and developing the right character for the job which will sooner or later, reveal whether that intelligence of yours will be useful.

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Some people still believe that while people should be nice, it’s more important to find someone who is actually intellectual.

Because no matter what kind of character he possesses, it can be overcome if he comes in with the right skills to cover for his characters. In fact, there are not many people who have the right skillsets to be placed on certain job positions. Intellect is necessary for people to possess the ability to think critically in any given situation. Instead of character, your abilities can be what will save you and those around you even when you are being an ass at doing it. You can talk to anyone who has to deal with a number of people in their work and

environment: let’s take, for example, a teacher. There are teachers who enjoy their job and those who don’t even when they work at the same place. Assuming both have the same number of classes to deal with and is paid approximately the same amount, what would you think makes it an enjoyable job for one but not the other?

Surprisingly, there are teachers who would say that some classes consist of children that harder to control. Teachers are not parents, to begin with, and students can sometimes disregard their teachers and never gave them the respect they deserve. On the other hand, there are classes that are fun to teach, that class that every teacher loves to enter because it makes their work less stressful. Yes, this is just a very simple and relatable environment that we can see every day and even experience ourselves. It can make the work less burdening, increase the mood of the people related and it is completely regardless of whether the students were smart or not (notice that you would rarely listen to teachers complaining about the class being dumb but would rather enjoy teaching students who actually listen even when they are not so bright).

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On the other hand, teachers who come in with a strong mindset will go beyond what was necessary to gain the students’ trust and respect. Wild and uncontrollable, the youngsters are still, at the end of the day, learning what it is to become a decent adult. At the same time, they crave playtime and fun, two things that are often on the opposite end of studying. But a wise teacher knows that even learning can be made fun if you are willing to spend some time thinking about it. You don’t need fancy technology to do it because all it takes is a little creativity with what you have and involving the students more into what they are studying about.

By making the subjects relevant to their daily lives, they are more likely to listen and be actually interested in what you are teaching them.

Would you like to read more about this topic? This book might interest you: Character Is Higher Than Intellect.