The foremost three thousand years of Christianity is not written as a conventional script. Greek and Israel share a common privilege and destiny. Understanding the divinity is totally discreet in both the cultures.

Devoid of emotions is the Almighty according to the Christianity while the Israel believed in the intensely passionate as well as personal deity. Both the views were reconciled only through the Person of Christianity.

Conversion and repentance are two major concepts in the vocabulary of Christianity.

It is quite intolerant for other faiths. Some of the principles may have connections with principles of Judaism. Many voices are genres are spoken in the Bible. Latin, Greek and the oriented language speaking groups were the initial believers of Christianity. Latin, Greek and the oriented language speaking groups were the initial believers of Christianity.

Development of theology was greatly affected because of the linguistic barriers.

Divine and human nature of Jesus Christ were discussed in all the three languages. Many Christians today believe that it is unaltered in all these years, by its unique principles but that is not the case, though.

Rome and Greece during the first 1000 years before Christ

Jewish context is mostly assumed by a majority whenever they talk about early Christianity times. Greek language and the philosophies did dominate during the early days of Christianity. It is just because of this fact; the Christians followed the Greco-roman culture. Logos basically is a Greek word. The Gospel of John was reliant on the Greek word, Christ in preference to the Hebrew messiah.

Shadows and echoes of the philosophical teachings of Socrates are contributions to the Greco-roman culture. Christian debates are based on the Aristotelian and platonic perspective.

Israel during the first thousand years before Christ

Christianity took root from Jewish culture. The time period between King David and the Jesus Christ are considered as significant for Christianity. This is called as the first millennium. Yahweh is the supreme GOD. It was during this millennium, many beliefs in the Judaism were embraced by Christians. This includes the resurrection and even after life. The concept of soul in humans came into belief.

Crucified messiah

Between the fourth century before Christ and the hundred years before Christ is the crucial period to focus keenly for learning Christianity better.

Christianity slowly emerged as a sector of the Judaism. Gentle GOD fearers who are non Jews also started to believe in Christianity. They separated from Judaism. Complex and rich historical contexts, made Christianity to spread far and wide. Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus begin by the end of the first century. Jewish Christians were sent to exile from Jerusalem after this period. Christianity split from the Judaism completely.

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St Paul and the new direction for Christianity

Baptism was brought into practice rather than Judaism. Pass on meals in Judaism culture, and the last meal of the Christ with his followers had correlation. John and the followers further led Christianity in the same direction as did St. Paul. Majestic discourses and the metaphors were used to preach Christianity.

Jewish revolts in the 66 CE were intense. The Jewish Christian church had to flee from Jerusalem during this period of revolts. Sunday become the feast day for the Christians at this point of time instead of the Sabbath. Virgin birth of Jesus was considered as a misreading of the Hebrews by the ebionites and the gentile Christians have to disown them too, for this reason. Mark, Mathew and Luke were all written only after the demise of the Jesus Christ. These were written after a period of fifty years.

Boundaries were defined

Canon, creed and the Catholicism are significant as 3 forces that united the church. As soon as the canon was established, there raised the question of how to interpret it. They started to believe that the Christ is about to be reborn soon. Social distinctions were not radically challenged as per the precedents set earlier.

Now it is customary to call the AD as CE and the BC as BCE but why? If anyone is not aware of these facts then anyone must know the history of Christianity for sure. History of Christianity is simply classified into two eras. That is the post Christ era and the era after the birth of Jesus Christ. The messiah of GOD, the Jesus Christ was born and died in and around the last century BC. This era of thousand years before the birth of Christ, is called as BC period in history. This period is now being referred as BCE.

Christianity and the New Testament

Again the other word anno domini is the full form of AD. This is considered as the era after the birth of Jesus Christ. In order to refer quickly in the history scripts, for anyone to understand the period, it used to be denoted by A.D. now this is called as the Common Era and that is why that is being referred as CE. The Common Era is a far more generic way of mentioning the time period without any mentioning about the Christ. Believing in the Christ is only left to the individuals. To not to instill that in the generic historical term, the anti-Christians or those who have their own language call it to be their rights to mention these time periods in their own way as BCE and CE. This argument was accepted universally by all the nations. Today everyone is using these abbreviations CE and BCE alone in any of the history scripts, with a generic mentioning about the time period without relating to Christ and Christianity alone.

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Christianity and Old Testament

There are 66 scripts in the bible. New Testament forms one group. Old Testament is the. Chronicles mentioned in the bible scripts, offer extensive knowledge about the life of the people in the past. It sheds light about the right type of living and the wrong deeds to instill good practices, deeds, and thought processes in the minds of the common. Reading the Holy Bible can make one understand about life to a better extent. With the chronicles in the different scripts, and the so many facts that are mentioned along with that in these works, makes one understand about the intricate aspects of life.

Christianity principles

Reading and learning the experience of the others can be of the best help to the others. To experience and learn is a tough process and takes time. Going by the experience of the others can facilitate one to learn at a faster rate. That is the reason why the valuable scripts like the Bible are there to guide the commons. When anyone is taking time to read the scripts for quite some time every day, anyone is enlightened. When anyone is reading all the scripts, then anyone will get to know many facts about life. Anyone become smart enough to face the challenges that are thrown at you. Concentration, focus and skills will get sharpened. Anyone is a better personality with the knowledge that anyone gain by reading the 66 scripts.

Moreover, the major purpose of putting things in paper, by the scholastic people of the past, is not to show to the upcoming generations about their marvelous powers and feats achieved at that era. It is just to ease the life of the upcoming generations to come. It is the moral duty of all. With the knowledge that the ancestors leave in the form of valuable scripts, the knowledge transcends to the successive generations. If it has taken 6 years for someone to understand the astrophysics through intense learning, understanding and by conducting experiments, testing and research.

Christianity and preaching

This experience can teach the others who are reading scripts presented by the former. 100 days is enough to learn it to perfection. It means 6 years time is not needed for the other person who reads that valuable script. It means the readers can start to dig in more and research further from where the former had left. Now, the research process is possibly completed within time as the new person has saved more than five years time, in understanding the concepts. Short time is not a constraint for the next successors to learn and acquire mastery. This is the major reason why the scripts like Bible or any other Holy materials of any other religion must be used efficiently. These are real assets of the mankind to pass on real knowledge and wisdomThe New Testament is all about the story of Jesus, life as well as death. When anyone is reading the information about the resurrection here, then it is easy to understand about the final judgment day. When the history is over then the final judgment comes with Jesus appearing in front of us once again.

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Christianity and conversions

Conversions are one of the key objectives amidst Christians under many a circumstances. They are trying to pull in as many people as possible into following their own religion. Why that and what are is the reason for that? If they are not going to help others changes their mind set about the understanding of their life, then they are sure to be left aloof with no real knowledge and wisdom. Insane such people cannot realize the joy of truth and life of non violence. They would suffer doing the final judgment day.

Christianity opening the eyes of the commons

Judgment day is meant for those who are good and bad both. It is this day that is to tell anyone the truth. The more good that anyone does as a Christian or a non Christian the far better will be the yield on the Day of Judgment. If not then the converse is also possible during the judgment day. To not to regret later on when everything turns to be spilled water, it is good to release the simple fact that there are best chances to change right now. For any change to happen there must be a new beginning. There must be guidance. There must be a motivation. That motivation to drive people, and make them realize the life goals, and the genuine way to lead life, they need a path to follow with sincerity and dedication. This is created through the religion that they are following.

Would you like to read more about this topic? This book might interest you: History of Christianity.